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Hope Recovery Network Peer Support


HRN Peer Recovery Support is a team approach to building resilient wellness for each Peer Participant.


Defining “Wellness" will have different standards to every person, but there are some common overlaps. The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. From this definition it is important to note:

  1. 1)  Wellness is not a passive or static state, rather an intentional “active pursuit” of specific choices and actions that work toward an optimal health and wellbeing;

  2. 2)  Wellness is “holistic health” extending beyond physical health to incorporate many different dimensions of mental/social/environmental health that balance in harmony.


The "Medical Paradigm" is an episodic, reactive approach common in Western Medicine.  The goal is solely to reach and maintain stable, physical health

But the "Wellness Paradigm" uses a Participant-Centered, proactive approach to get to an "optimal state of well-being" that seeks to thrive in all aspects of life.

Wellness Continuum

Wellness is an active process of taking responsibility, thereby taking control of your life for the better.  For more:


Wellness is "Multidimensional."  It can be defined in many ways, with a varying amount of dimensions-sometimes as few 6 or over 12 categories.  But all the dimensions will encompass the "Physical/Mental/Social" areas of daily life. 

WELLNESS INTRODUCTION (PDF): 2-page overview brochure
  24 page presentation on the 8 Dimensions of Wellness that give information to live healthy in a holistic way.


EMOTIONAL—Effective Coping with Life & Create Satisfying Relationships
• Be aware of and listen to your feelings.
• Express your feelings to people you trust.

FINANCIAL—Satisfaction with Current & Future Financial Situations
• Be thoughtful and creative about your budgeting and spending.
• As needed, meet with cost-effective financial professionals for guidance.

SOCIAL—Sense of Connection, Belonging, a Well-Developed Support System
• Make at least one social connection per day by calling, e-mailing, or visiting someone.
• Get active in a support group.

SPIRITUAL—Expand Sense of Purpose & Meaning in Life
• Make time for practices that enhance sense of connection to self, nature, and others.
• Take time to discover what values, principles, and beliefs are most important to you.

OCCUPATIONAL—Personal Satisfaction & Enrichment Derived Through Work
• Work toward a career you are passionate about, or volunteer for meaningful activities.
• Communicate with your supervisor regularly & get support when needed.

PHYSICAL—Recognize Need For Physical Activity, Diet, Sleep, & Nutrition
• Take the stairs instead of the elevator; walk or bike when possible over driving.
• Get enough sleep—your body needs it to rejuvenate and stay well!

INTELLECTUAL—Use Creative Abilities & Ways to Expand Knowledge & Skills
• Research a topic that interests you and share what you learned with others.
• Find creative outlets that stimulate your mind and sense of curiosity.

ENVIRONMENT—Occupy Pleasant, Stimulating Environments that Support Well-Being
• Appreciate nature and the beauty that surrounds you.
• Seek out music and other experiences that have a calming effect on your well-being


Whole Health Action Management (WHAM) is a peer-centered program developed by the National Council’s SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions to promote whole health self-management for those living with chronic physical and behavioral health challenges.  National Council Well-Being Logo

Peers are encouraged to partner and identify strengths, develop weekly action plans and work together using positive reinforcement to meet a goal. Rather than work alone, WHAM encourages participants to collaborate and support others’ efforts and is easy to use and implement in health care settings.

   This program gives peers factors to identify strengths & the skills to:

  • Identify strengths and supports in 10 science-based Whole Health & Resiliency Factors.
  • Write a concise, achievable Whole-Health goal based on Participant-Centered planning.
  • Create and log a weekly Action Plan.
  • Participate in Peer Support to create new health behavior.
  • Elicit the Relaxation Response.
  • Engage in cognitive skills to avoid negative thinking.
  • Prepare for basic whole health screenings.
  • Use shared-decision making skills & tools for engaging with doctors

WHAM WorkbookClick for WHAM Workbook PDF



Wellness Recovery Action Plan:

SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health Solutions:


Million Hearts®:

National Empowerment Center:
1–800–POWER2U (1–800–769–3728)

National Wellness Institute:


Available Documents

HRN Participant Wellness Definitions

SAMHSA Wellness Introduction

SAMHSA Wellness Presentation

WHAM Participant Workbook
